Lady Sharot great to see ya!! How's Spider and the rest of the rest of the staff at Fethis brokers? I need to ask you a question can you please add me to icq please. I think do have already!!
Head pimp- pogo looks good! If you like games you should get a demo
of xamo adult games. They are my personal favorite.
Kalan- I checked out the nerve! Wicked site! Thank Brent for putting up our button on your site!! YOU guys rock!!
What's the difference between yahoo and google? I dont know Grimshaw.
dyonisus- You have great taste in music. I love incubus second album science. Rage is awesome and Soundgarden kicks ass I cant seem to like audio slave thou!! hehe
heavenlyhardcore that site is awesome I want one of those shirts almost as band as I want an xnations one.
keep them coming this is Fun!!
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549