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Old 03-12-2003, 12:15 PM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Default God-and my Mother-In-Law

I had this conversation last night with my Mother-In-Law that I thought I'd throw out for discussion.

I'm agnostic in that I'd like to BELIEVE that there's a God, but I'd need to see some sort of proof (I'm from Missouri).

Two points that were brought up really bugged my ass.

I told her that if there was a God, he wouldn't allow a 2 year old baby to be raped and killed with a brick to her head. Then make her parents pay to feed this man for the rest of his life.

Her lame ass argument was that God put us here to do the "Will of man" or "Men will do, what men will do", some crap like that. Whatever.

Then she said that she "Felt sorry for me", because I must be a very angry person.

I reiterated and told her that I "Felt sorry for her" because her life must be so empty that she needed something outside of her life to believe in and give her strength.

I told her that I'm very happy and look to my family for my strength and don't need some false idol to pray to.

Now on THAT note, I do truly envy those that CAN have the faith. I saw the strength that it DID give to my Mother-In-Law when her husband died. If that what it takes her to get though tough times, all the power to her. I wish that I COULD believe, but I can't. But, I was fucking pissed off when she questioned MY beliefs and MY happiness.

One more questions that no religious freak has ever been able to answer to my satisfaction is this. Are there different levels of hell? I'm sure I've broken some of the ten commandments so if am I going to hell for say, stealing a car or something, am I gonna be sitting right beside Hitler?
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