I'm appalled. Lately in the news all I have been hearing about is the support we should be giving our troops overseas who are deployed to the Persian Gulf etc..
I knew about the compensation for 911 WTC victims was high, but I had no idea how high. I don't understand it either. If anyone can honestly justify those numbers, please do it for me. What Paul posted makes a lot of sense:
Originally posted by PaulSweet
I personally don't understand the entitlements the victims get. I think this is part of the same mentality that allows you for suing a company if the coffee they serve you is "too hot" and you accidently spill it on yourself and end up getting burnt. I feel there should be some kind of social benefits to help people out but there are other options here too. The people in the world trade center could have had life insurance policies to protect their families in case they died...after all you could die at any moment. Car accident, heart attack, allergic reaction, etc.