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Old 03-12-2003, 06:19 PM   #19
sherie should edit this
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Originally posted by McAttack
Ggrrr!!! I just hate the Leafs!
Yup, habs are out. I can accept that. What I can't accept is how SHITTY they're playing. it's so frustrating to watch it. On paper, they should be up there.

As for the leafs playing aggressive, great, it's their style and in the playoffs, you have to play rough. But I'm saying that this could penalize a guy like Nolan who has very bad back problems. He's been playing in the west where it's a lot less rough. I jsut hope the Leafs don't lose Nolan in the playoffs.

And I wasn't angry when writting the last one, sorry if it sounds like it. I just wanted to get a lot out. I can talk hockey all day long, but my cats don't listen to me. hehehe
Those damn cats!! LOL

I understand what your saying, I would hate to see the devistating injuries that happened last year happen this year. I mean we even have to watch out for Roberts and he plays bloody tough in the Playoffs. Dayum, he pretty much carried the team last year along with Domi and Tucker.

It's all in good fun! Like I said I am not a fan at all of the Canadiens, however, I am all for Canadian teams taking it!!
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