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Old 03-12-2003, 06:33 PM   #8
gregtx should edit this
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Its the difference between civilian tradgedy and military death...

Paul you make some very valid points.. many young men and women no longer go into the military as a career choice but as a last resort... we are now all taught to go straight to college. But remember... we do produce many great officers from our universities and from our miliary academys... from growing up in a town with a large air force base.. .i've seen many military families who did just fine... a good buddy of mine from high school.. is an F-16 fighter pilot and is paid very well... especially as a single bachelor.... but yes.. the enlisties are not paid on a grand scale... but that is just like any lower position in any business...

frivilous monies paid for misfortune is a sad way of remembering or replacing the dead.. I agree... but that money was some how raised and allocated to be paid out...
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