X Nations - View Single Post - Congress cracks down on P2P porn
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Old 03-13-2003, 11:21 AM   #4
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Prevent teenagers from seeing porn ? Bull-fuckin'-Shit !
When we were teenagers, and mind you, we were lawyers and doctors and accountant's kids, we were actively seeking every bits and piece of scrap paper with the faintest leeched image of skin on it ! We regularly went to an abandonned field with friends were we searched for porn hidden under rocks and hideouts. And we usually found some.

Nothing our parents could have done would have stopped us.

A-fucking-men !

Now, pre-teens (not-yet sexually aroused) and teens are an entirely different thing.

The real question is -- should children (non-teen) be let unrestricted access to computers ? Would you leave your kid walk downtown with no supervision ?

As for teens, if you don't like them seeking porn, just don't have children. Get into wax statues....

Life is tough, and in the end, nobody gets out of it alive. Deal with it !

Governments are organisms that are there to protect themselves and only themselves.

Those who sacrifice freedom for an allegation of safety neither deserve nor will get any.
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