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Thread: LAJ, amen!
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Old 03-14-2003, 09:38 PM   #10
pornodoggy should edit this
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Originally posted by Danny_C
Sorry, but it's anti-American to exercise your right to free speech. That First Ammendment thing... that's only words. Who told you they actually mean something? Webmasters especially should try to disregard the First Ammendment and the anti-American sentiment it encourages.

The simple fact is this: If you don't support our troops' right to die needlessly in foreign countries, you're un-American and unpatriotic. What's so hard to understand about that?
Huh. I think you are being sarcastic - a typical ploy of the liberal-pinko-Commie-Symbanese Liberation Army conspirators in our midst. Don't you understand that our beloved leader has decided that, in order to defend the integrity of the United Nations, he has to tear up the charter of the United Nations? Can't you understand the logic of a war to prevent the possiblity that he might start a war. I mean, duh ... he's muslim, some of the terrorists are muslim, somewhere someplace is an Iraqi who has talkied to a terrorist - I'll bet you that some of those 16 Saudi hijackers had even talked to an Iraqi at some point. Can't you understand how alienating a couple million more Muslims is going to scare them away from fundamentalism by proving their point?

Duh. What kind of proof do you need? A new-clear bomb or sumthin?
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