Originally posted by XXXPhoto
Yup, it's me. I still have the old emails setting up appointments/interviews for Gary and Otto for hire at YNOT and they own it now...lol
Not to mention the old hangout on HD somewhere... ahh the days of hand editing 2000 listings. You were spot on with the seeing them come and seeing them go comments; you know what I'm talking about cause you've done the resources gig yourself... Provides a very good cross-section and overview of the industry as a whole as well as a guide to who's been where when and what they've accomplished/built since then...
Bottom line is, if you are in it more than a few years and making a good living then ya have 90% of the rest beat... for now. No excuse not to move on, expand, grow and continue to build on successes... you quit playing the game, you loose your edge.
Then again, maybe I'm just the luckiest inbred SOB in the world and don't know my ass from a hole in the ground... 
BTW- Who's handling the content listings now at YNotMasters(Standard Content listings )? Submitted a few times but don't seem to be having any luck. Ethics bar me from using backdoors; so can ya throw old dog a bone? ...lol...
LOL... too funny regarding the Gary/Otto for hire... that goes way back!
You make some really good points up above too
OK... content listings... Chris H. is our service Directory Admin for standard listings and Luiza works with YNOTBob regarding our premiere listings. I'll hit up Chris and see what's up. In the meantime... sorry if your listings aren't appearing! I'd say go ahead and try one more time
http://www.ynotmasters.com/szone/sub...nt_submit.html Lemme know how things go either way man!