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Old 03-17-2003, 02:55 PM   #4
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by angeleyes
Because he's an actor...
That was the whole point. OJ was a bigger name than Blake is. He was an actor too. Why was Blake granted bail and OJ wasn't?

I'm surprised noone has brought the "race card" up yet. Or all y'all (y'all?) to politically correct?

OJ was so damn guilty it was sickening. I think that white people who thought he was innocent (my mother-in-law being one of them), were just saying so outright BECAUSE he was black. To try to PROVE to themselves and others that they aren't racist.

OJ was guilty based on the evidence. Blake SOUNDS guilty based on the evidence I've heard. But, I've learned from the Elizabeth Smart case not to assume that someone is guilty just because the police have some evidence supporting it. I'll reserve judgement until I've heard all of the evidence.

Either way, NEITHER should have been granted bail imho.
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