Okay, there are sooo many to pick from!!
I will leave names out to protect the guilty - this one actually includes 2 stupid things...
At my first show, I got totally smashed (big surprise huh?) I dont think I have EVER been that drunk. Well, at about 3 am in the nat net suite, I am moving and groovin with my drink on the dance floor, someone bumps me and i send my drink flying, in a glass glass across the floor - *SMASH* - Well, I thought it was hysterically funny and start laughing my ass off - Anthony (nat net) kindly asks me to leave.... which i was okay with ... if i could walk straight... well, a co-worker takes me back to my room to find out - i lost my room key! So, we have to stumble back down to the lobby, where we see someone else from the convention who i thought was VERY hot. Not thinking I scream out (in the middle of the lobby, that had people with kids checking in...dont ask me why they were checkin in at 3am) "I WANNA SUCK YOUR DICK ____"
The worst part is, the next morning, i didnt even remember it - but both of those guys did