03-19-2003, 07:37 PM
should edit this
Originally posted by Ronaldo
Probably one of the biggest problems in drawing new members to this, or any adult webmaster board for that matter, is the flaming from resident asswipes. Fear of being made to look stupid. Noone likes to look stupid.
The search function on most boards is crucial. Don't ask a question that's ever been asked before lest the flaming begin. At this board, most, if not all questions are welcome. That's how we learn. Sometimes the information brought up, teaches even those of us that think we know everything something.
Another board we all know is infamous for making fun of newbies or jumping all over the slightest mistake one makes. While it's residents are numerous and the information you can gather from "lurking" IS vital, it's entire attitude has demeaned into one that truly typifies it's name.
When Chris first invited me over, my initial thoughts were "Damn, another board I need to keep up with". BUT, this is truly the nicest group of webmasters I have the pleasure of discussing various events with. Rarely do I even see a heated discussion (I'll try harder in the future y'all )) It's one of only a handful of boards I DO keep up with daily.
So fear not lurkers, sign up, join in the conversation and have some fun.
But don't say anything stupid (Damn, I love this smiley)
I totally agree. I didn't really post on any boards at all until I came here. I can't even think of one time there were any heated discussions over here like some of the others.