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Old 03-21-2003, 12:30 PM   #3
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by dyonisus
Dude, just because Jean Cretien does not represent you, he may represent other people...

I for one am happy he has not taken a more aggressive postion for the coallition of "PEACE".

I respect your support of the US, but I am in no means embarrassed to be one of the countries who agrees diplomacy would have been the better choice! After all more I raqis seem to be surrendering then fighting!!!

Agreed there was no need to boo the US National Anthem, that is just in poor taste. A sporting event is not the place for "bad mannered" protesting!
Dude, I didn't vote for him but he DOES represent me. That was my point. He represents all of Canada.

I am embarrassed to live in the virtual peace and freedom that the United States Military provides, and then have our PM turn around and NOT support them.

God forbid Iran ever pulls something on Canada. The US might just say, "Go it alone."

Um, actually, I don't think they'd do that. The US would be the first nation to step up and take action. Whether it be in the UN or on the battlefield, the US would back us 100%. No questions asked. (Unless of course WE attacked first. roflmfao)
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