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Old 03-21-2003, 12:48 PM   #5
StuartD should edit this
Sofa King Band
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Well said Twinkley

I personally agree that Saddam must go. I don't personally agree with the war or how it has come about.

And Canada putting it's foot down and "not just doing what the US tells it to do" is a very bold move in my opinion. Shows the world that we're not just "USA Jr" over here.

If the UN says no.... and Canada listens... but the US goes against it and Canada doesn't follow the US.... we're a bad country?

oh well, anyway.. don't wanna go on a political rant here.

All I'm saying is... I personally agree with Canada's stance on this.
I don't agree with booing the national anthem though.

Just be glad they didn't fly the US flag upside down
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
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