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Old 03-21-2003, 01:11 PM   #7
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by StuartD

If the UN says no.... and Canada listens... but the US goes against it and Canada doesn't follow the US.... we're a bad country?
No, we're not a bad country. Bad leader, yes (Not solely based on this stance either).

We're also not self reliant. Canada cannot defend itself.

As I said, if someone attacked Canada, whether the UN said so or not, the US would defend us.

If the UN agreed to take up our cause with force, again, the US would be the biggest military supporter.

Canada needs to look beyond the cowardly pen-pushers of the UN and realize that what's being done, NEEDS to be done, and is being done in the best interest of the world.

No sane person WANTS war. Sometimes it is necessary to preserve freedom. In todays world, sadly, it may be necessary to preserve humanity.

I don't agree with everything my wife does and I KNOW she doesn't agree with everything that I do. However, we always stand beside one another on any decision that we make. We may argue about it privately, but not in public.

Sheerly by geography we are married to the United States, like it or not, and we should support them through thick and thin.

Now, if they go and attack an innocent, defenseless nation, I would have a different opionion. That isn't the case here.
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