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Old 03-22-2003, 01:32 PM   #1
wsjb78 should edit this
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Default What age to go to war?

I just had some discussion with Twinkley after I've seen some news report on MTV Europe...

There was this really cute girl, PDM (or PMD or something like that) Dominguez. She is just 17 and currently she's in Katar to serve.

I mean she's half a kid. She can't buy alcohol, she can't do content (yet) but she can join the armed forces and get send to war.

When asked why she joined the armed forces she replied to get college fundings.

Twinkley did outline that Dominguez is doing all of the freely. No one forced her to join the armed forces.

Anyway, I tend to think even if she's doing this freely that is too young and that she does not fully comprehend what she's committing herself to. The US has troops all over the world in various hot spots and it's very likely to get oneself endangered.

I just think it's somewhat out of proportion: She can join the armed forces, willingly endanger her life but she must not buy alcohol?

That's just my personal opinion (which is based also a lot about the surounding I grew up with)

What do you think? At what age can you join the armed forces? Do you have to do military service?

Here in Switzerland males are obligated to do military service, this however at the age of 20 (or later). If you don't want to do so you still have an alternate choice of doing public service...

P.S.: No offense meant, don't intend on criticising the US system. I just wouldn't want to send 17 years olds to war...
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