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Old 03-24-2003, 04:58 AM   #4
the New Shemp
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Originally posted by Mister X
I've been checking the going rates for banner placement on some of the bigger tgps and quite honestly I'm astonished at what they are charging. Paying 500 or 1000 bucks is just too damn much unless you are looking to do a little branding I think. Even the rates for a top spot in the gallery listings are looking pretty unrealistic. I've seen rates of 250 bucks for one day. That's just frigging crazy! I'm thinking that I might try a little gallery traffic from spotbrokers.com and see what happens. Has anyone tried them yet?
There are some TGPs that charge 400-500.00 for the top link for one day. So you have to be very careful. You get posted on an off day, or when people are focused ont he war and you will loose $$. I think buying cheaper spots, but spreading them out over a longer period of time works better, anyway. As for spotbrokers, they are buying up to 100K a day off me, plus a ton of traffic off other sites, so hopefully that means the quality is good
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