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Old 03-24-2003, 10:45 AM   #24
twinkley should edit this
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Originally posted by StuartD
I wonder how many nukes the US has in it's possession... much less other weapons of mass destruction.

Who was it that invented the atom bomb again?

Anyway... I find it highly stupid that assassination is against international law but dropping a nuke on another country is fine.
Nukes? Over 20,000! More than almost the rest of the world COMBINED. How do you like those numbers??

Thats not really the point though is it ....

Here is my big question.... so far we have already taken over a great deal of the land mass of iraq.... and found NOTHING. No chemical bombs, no biological bombs..... nothing. What happens if we dont?? How horrible is it gonna look after we kill alllll those people and find out they DID disarm - just like we told them to?

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