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Old 03-24-2003, 11:47 AM   #27
Becky should edit this
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Wow!! There is soo many mixed opinions on this war!
It seems like everywhere I go, and everyone I talk to has something different to say.

In my opinion I think that most of the people on this planet like to avoid confrontation to some extent, and I think that by Jean Cretien not involving Canada in this war....has acted on natural instincts of peace.
I dont find anything wrong with that.......
However, there has been much speculation as to what will happen to the relationship between the U.S and Canada after this war ends, to that I say that only time will tell.

It is easy to point fingers at people right now...and I think it is also societys way of dealing with something that they themselves cannot prevent.

I think the point here is that anyone who is not involved directly with the Government will ever really know the truth, and for the time being we can either point the finger at Bush or at Cretien.....but WHY Cretien?? I think he acted on what the Majority of Canada wanted...and that to me makes me proud to be a Canadian!!!

Also, regarding the booing.....I believe that was done as a result of previous booing made to the Candadians by the NY Islanders.....I am not saying that doing it back helped anything....but it also was not just unprevoked.

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