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Old 03-25-2003, 12:13 AM   #29
McAttack should edit this
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Well, I am sorry that my home town booed the national anthem. I think it's despicable, it's in bad taste and not representative of what we think.

Secondly. I'll try to keep it short cause I am very opinionated about this war, it's reasons and why it should never have happened.

Ronaldo, You said "As I said, if someone attacked Canada, whether the UN said so or not, the US would defend us."
The US was not attacked by Iraq. It was attacked by Al-Quada, and it's been proven by the CIA itself that Bin ladden did not run to Iraq as previously stated (which was Bush's original reason to wage war on Iraq).

Some very simple facts. The first week of Bush's administration, what happened? CNN reported that US planes bombed Iraq. Nice way to start. Then 9/11. A truely sad day. At first, it was "Let's find who did this." when it was obvious that Al-Quada was responsible, they went after them in Afghanistan. Turned the regime over from the Taliban to a new diplomatic regime. Fine. This was necessary and I feel the Afghans still need help. let's not forget that the CIA is who Trained the soldiers during the cold war to fight the russians and they in turn became founding members of Al-Quada and the Taliban itself. So this was a bit of a "Let's fix our mistake" mission.

Then the CIA reported that they thought Ossama fled to Iraq. So the word became that they won't just fight the terrorists, but they'll fight the countries harboring terrorists. At this point, CNN was pointing a finger at pretty much every other country, especially Canada. Now history is showing that this was a way of opening the doors to be able to invade Iraq.

Think of one thing. How did the US government know that all the weapons in the disarmament document from Iraq were not listed correctly? meaning they knew there were more (which still hasn't been proven). Well apparently there are a lot of "Made in the USA" parts in those weapons, which makes it a bit easy to count the possible number of weapons in existance. Doesn't mean they were built.

Saddam should be ousted, he should not be there, but I don't believe it should be by such a direct force. There's a much more important threat right now in North Korea, but then again, Korea doesn't have all that Oil does it?

I'm sorry, I wanted to keep it short. It's my one and only rant on this situation. I agree that sometimes, war is unfortunately a necessary solution, but I don't believe that this is one of them.

I am proud of Jean Chretien for his stance, he surprised me. I also think of this. When he leaves office, this will hopefully be what he'll be remembered for. History books won't talk about the gun registry program which is a huge problem. They wont' talk about his other issues, they'll talk about how our Prime Minister made a bold statement that followed what the majority of his people wanted. And polls still show a large amount of canadians support Mr. Chretien for this.
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