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Old 03-25-2003, 12:20 AM   #7
McAttack should edit this
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Originally posted by Phoenix
Hello misterX...i am not sure i understand fully what you are asking but here goes my two cents worth.

Buying hits from galleries, or tgp type sites(in the form of banner space) is always risky, as the surfers are not usually qualified. If you have some solid conversion numbers you can base your calculations on, then perhaps it will be profitable for you. So if you can get a number of spots on the front and inside the galleries you should get traffic, and the risk to perform is on the site makers. So as long as you convert, they should do well with you.

With that being said...i have some very nice numbers from various link lists...so if you can cut a deal with the owner of such a site, that has volume, you should get sales.
I've always been iffy on link lists to be honest. How do you know the guy's not just using a hitbot? i've worked a bit with link lists, but I find myself spending more time researching them individually than I do with TGPs.
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