Originally posted by Ronaldo
Ouch, good one.
Thankfully he's gone in about a year.
One more year, one more year, one more year
I am not an american so I have no saying there, but I think you are delusional if you think Bush will not be reelected. As dumb as some of you think he is, he will be damn popular after the war with Iraq since you Americans like victories

Also - you like capitalism - and he brings exactly that.
Some of you appriciate a man with balls - and sure he got those
He may be dumb - but that appeal to the common man
His opponent is a jerk (imho). This Tom Daschle is a spineless jerk. I am not talking about his views - just the man itself
Unless Democrats come with a Clinton clone they stand no chance at all.
As for other countries' leaders having "balls" for opposing the war. That is one option. The other is - they are chicken-shit. Its not like they are great diplomats and had helped in promoting the diplomatic process of disarming Iraq. They sat on their fat asses all this while and all they can do is shout booo at someone else saying he didn't do enouhg - as if its HIS war and not their's.
Actually - being chickenshits like they are it is indeed not their war since they know the US will protect them if they are attacked or thretned.
I call it as I see it. Any leader opposing the war because of "UN/world support" or "popularity" (as if the right thing is always popular) is a spineless nobody.
I have more respect for naive dreamers who object the war because they are blind and pacifist.