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Old 03-25-2003, 07:39 PM   #39
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by twinkley
I dont think you are correct. I dont think bush is going to be elected, and here is why.
1. People care about what directly affects their lives.
2. Unemployment is at an all time high right now.
3. A lot of people have loved ones over in Iraq and surrounding countries fighting a war they dont believe in.
4. The stock market has been steadily falling since bush took office ....
5. The fact is, this war is supposed to take the view away from those things....
I just dont think it will be enough.
1. That is too general statement. It is true but not pointing a direction. I remember alot of you speaking on TV after the 9/11 about how you are all changed and realize some people/countries hate you even if you are far away from them.
2. Unemployement in US is higer than 2 years ago as in every country on earth. There is a world recession. The economical nature of a resession is complex and I can assure you it has hardly anything to do with your presidnt. Im not saying he is the best president econimically speaking - but stating unemployement has risen since he was elected is not looking at the right reasons
3. So what? Still 72% of you support the operation in the gulf. as a matter of fact 50% on democrats support Bush position on Iraq. Not only that but caring about the people there is - as point #1 - not too directional. Iraq and the war in general is not an issue due to the fact that even a democratic government will imho be going to war today. if not today than in 2 years when 30K americans die in some bigger catasrophe.
4. Same as #2 and in many ways a preceeding indicator of it. The stock market has zero relation to Bush and its policy. None at all. The stock market collapse is a result of the bubble effect, the global recession and 9/11 and terror in general.
5. I personally - and as someone living in this area - see things very differently. If you think your society and economy can survive economically (and otherwise) terror attacks like 9/11 and instabilities resulting from terror and world insecurity and instability in long terms, I think you are dead wrong.

But you are missing the main point imho..
A. The end of the war will bring very positive economical changes to the US as well as many other countries around the world.
B. You WILL win the war. You WILL (i believe) find WMD. You WILL rub it in to the french and others. You WILL like that - BIG time. You WILL like GWB for it. You are Americans in general
C. You have no alternative today for Bush. Who? Tom Daschle? That twat? Any person who states on TV that he moved from supporting US actions to opposing it, only because he saw so many other countries not supporting this policy is a dangerous snake that should be taken as far as possible from any position that can influence the world in any way.

Don't get me wrong. If -I was an American I would be a Democrat in many ways (have no Idea who I would vote to though).
I have many social views that are democratic. I liked Clinton big time and love his wife. I would have voted for them if I were you. BUT they are not there to be voted.
As I said - Unless they come up with a Clinton clone - the Democrats will loose imo. Just my view and guess - but I see no flaws in it so far. I am sure its inaccurate in many points - but I don't see anything that will overall tip it over.
Im not saying its good or bad - or if I like it or not. I just don't see an probable altenative.
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