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Old 03-27-2003, 09:29 AM   #8
McAttack should edit this
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Originally posted by fish
well mcattack, i know you're not asking for my opinion, but i'm gonna give it anyway..

if your friend just shot those pictures, that means he's the only who's got em, and therefore you're gonna have exclusive content.. if you have a lot from where that came from or perhaps you can get more, i suggest you guys make a paysite instead.. surfers are willing to pay big bucks as long as you have exclusive content..
Yeah that was the original plan, and we did make a site for him, but basically, this guy only wants to shoot the content, and get his %. We are ok with the idea, but the quality isn't really "up there".

The site's actually been ready for about 3-4 months now, just been on the back burner. Too many other projects going on. In his case, he used to have a site a long time ago, but knew nothing about how to take care of it. Now, we're giving him a second chance at it, see if he can make money from it. He's got nothing to lose really.

And your opinion is always welcome bud.
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