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Old 03-27-2003, 01:18 PM   #20
Titus should edit this
Citizen X
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Never had a ton of luck with tgp banners but they are very good for 'exposure'. As for gallery spots, our program is very new but it's doing under 1:300 in what would normally be paid spots (we managed to work deals with a few large MGP/TGP owners) so we're certainly very pleased. But it is wild, as Shemp alluded to, to see that - for example - our asian, teen, and celebrity galleries pull 4-5x the click-thrus of our facials, ebony, and other galleries. So niche is also a consideration when preparing to submit paid spots on 'general' traffic posts.

- Titus
Tabloid Cash - Fresh New Concept!
ICQ: 199346608
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