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Old 03-27-2003, 09:23 PM   #29
RedShoe should edit this
Join Date: Aug 2002
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I usually only go to the Vegas show, and the AWE show when it's here in LA. Believe it or not, I'm kind of an anti-social. But by choice I think.

I wonder if I'm borderline agoraphobic. Perhaps.

Maybe I'm that way becuase it takes me a lot of courage to get out to shows, but once I'm there I have a blast. It's all the anxiety before going that gets to me.

I've never been afraid to fly. If the plane crashes while I'm on it well, than so be it. I'm not going to stop flying just because a few assholes crashed a few planes. Including those crashes it's still the safest form of transportation. I don't think I'll be going to any 3rd world countries in the near future, so no worries there.

The furthest I've been is Toronto (from Cali) so I'm not really a world traveler anyway. It's beena while since I've been to Maui, but Mrs. RedShoe and I used to go quite often.

Oh also, I don't think I'll be at the Phoenix forum, simply for the "I don't know anyone there" factor.
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