Dunno about international travelling although I really don't have time to do that now anyway.. (I would travel to Canada)
I am travelling stateside.. in fact, I flew from NC to Ohio today.. and in two weeks I'll be travelling from NC to Maryland....
I did read an article in USAToday (while inflight), that flight reservations have dropped 7% in the states since the war started.. that has caused airlines to modify flight schedules and passengers have been rebooked on other flights -- without notice!! They recommended checking your flight reservations 48 hours prior to make sure you're not affected by any modifications.
I haven't seen a trend in prices .. they are generally the same as they have been. I'm planning another trip in June/July .. and then in August for Internext. I hope I can snag some good deals.
Today's flight wasn't full.. I've flown this same flight several times and it's generally not a full plane.
Last week when my daughter and I flew on AirTran, we experienced a 2 hour delay.. but that was the same night Bush addressed the nation warning them of an impending war. So I'm guessing most flights were a bit off. One thing though, is that my daughter and I got picked for security checks -- I think it most likely due to the fact that we had one way tickets. Anyway, we spent an hour in a "secure area." I was not too happy. I did object to my daughter being searched as she is only 12 and as it turns out they are not allowed to search children 12 and under. Even so, it was a bit traumatic for her.. her comment was "Mom, I'm a cheerleader not a terrorist. Can't they see that?" Poor Munchkin!!!
So my answer is.. no, I'm still flying