Originally posted by gregtx
I agree with your thinking 12 clicks.. although.. remember Vietnam when the Viet Cong would have children run up to US troops and throw grenades at them.. Timothy McVeigh... wasn't muslim either...
so by just using racial profiling.. we open up many other channels for terrorism...
I've yet to have missed any flights or been delayed due to heightened security... would rather be a little inconvenienced than high jacked by a 12 year old and a grandmother...lol
That's a bit silly don't you think? I do.
first, this isn't vietnam. second, if you want to throw mcveigh into the mix that would make it about 1white american for every 10,000 muslims who commit a terrorist act.
thirdly, racial profiling works. It's sad that it does but its more a reflection on those profiled than those catching them.
And I have missed flights and been delayed due to heightened security. I'm perfectly comfortable with risking my life on the fact that a 12yr old girl won't be high jacking my plane.