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Old 03-28-2003, 01:58 PM   #47
Ounique should edit this
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Originally posted by gregtx
Racial profiling occurs whether we think it does or not...
You know, that's such a strange thing to me. My parents are Lebanese but I was adopted, so I'm not (I don't know what my lineage is). I don't think of myself as "white" because that doesn't really describe anything because there are all kinds of "white" people and they aren't all the same lineage.

When I was 17 I went to Australia with my father to visit a whole section of our family who lived there. We got off the plane and I looked at the group of 30 Lebanese people all standing there with welcome signs an I thought, "This has to make some people nervous, they look like a bunch of terrorists". Then, when we got into the crowd and everyone was introducing each other and hugging and kissing, they all kept giving me their luggage. I thought that to be a very strange to welcome family. Then I found out that because I didn't look like them, they assumed I was from the airline and was there to handle the bags. I learned a very strong lesson in apperances that day.
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