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Old 03-30-2003, 08:49 AM   #1
_ED should edit this
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Default Script Suggestions

I used to run a 'bikini' site until a lot of the bikini webmasters thought it best to add nudity to their bikini pages and become adult sites instead of just making seperate adult sites.. anyway... the scene died so now I'm left with some adult sites with shitty names. BUT... I've been writting scripts that are targeted at non TGP traffic trading. Although I do have TGP features and I plan to add more. My first script was designed so nobody would know I was using a script. At the time no one would link to script sites cause they were all CJ sites. hahha. i used it for a year bofore i told anyone i was running with a script..

I've been writting a new script lately, it's my second script.

I'm kinda out of the loop a little now since I sorta LOST my community. And i'm trying to find out what features people want nowadays so i can make my script more appealing.

I would greatly appreciate it if any of you had any suggestions of features I could add to my script.
Try my new traffic managment script.
Great for TGPs/bikini/babe/NN traffic trading sites. only $200
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