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Old 09-18-2002, 03:22 PM   #11
LadySharlot should edit this
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Well, I'm going to go a little against the grain here and tell you MY favorite moments... Same basic theme, different timing. LOL

One was our Honeymoon--NOT the day I got married. Yes, that day was special, but also loaded with Stress (He's here, right? I forgot my strapless bra for the wedding dress! What do you mean I need something "Blue"!?! Why did I wear a long sleeved dress in July? Did the caterer bring the 6' Sub? Yes officer, I was speeding...etc.) Our Honeymoon was wonderful not because of where we went, but because it was just the two of us, celebrating our lives together without a schedule or stress.

Another was the day we brought our Son home from the Hospital. Not the day he was born as that wasn't a lot of fun for me! LOL (I want MORPHINE! You mean you can actually Vomit AND have contractions at the same time?!!? (Never hurt so much in my LIFE!!) Spider--why are you flirting with that nurse NOW of all times?!!!??, etc.) Hahaha Nope, it was much better when we brought him home, had family here to welcome us, and he was all ours.

And the time that I helped a friend give birth. I wasn't hurting that time, so I could definitely enjoy the entire process. Brought me to tears!!

Huggs!!! And Thanks for the memories.
Lady Sharlot :-)
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