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Old 03-30-2003, 11:43 PM   #3
_ED should edit this
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Originally posted by fish
well, for quite some time now, i've been looking for a trade script that will automatically change the number of forced hits, depending on clicks vs the uniques i've sent the site. most scripts use productivity which is uniques in vs clicks. i think it would be better if it's based on uniques out vs clicks.. just a thought..
have you been reading my features page ?
thats EXACTLY what my script does. I call it "traffic urgency". The site with the highest ratio of clicks/uniquesOUT is the site that deserves your traffic the most. I store every IP and can set a cap so no one IP can gather a ton of clicks. You can rank your referral lists or thumbs this way. Ratios are automatically adjusted depending on the sites productivity.
Try my new traffic managment script.
Great for TGPs/bikini/babe/NN traffic trading sites. only $200
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