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Old 03-31-2003, 09:46 AM   #1
Mystery Man
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Question I'm a player or was I played?

Ok sit back and open a beer or whatever you drink and read what I'm about to tell you all as I think you will find it at least a bit entertaining.

Ok so saturday evening me and the boys are preparing ourselves to go to the club so of course we start to drink... HEAVILY! 3 hours and 1 Jack D later I'm in da fucking mood!!

I could just feel the fucking sex vipes lmao no seriously I wanted to party hard. So we went to the club and the first thing we do is order half of the fucking bar. Then some chicks start arriving and out of no where I'm sitting with this little sweet Asian package on my lap, how she got there? Don't ask me cause I don't remember

Ohh well she then tells me she has a bf already and that he is laying at home waiting for her I'm like who gives a fuck I just wanna fuck you LOL!! I actually think I told her those exact words... Hours went by and then suddenly one of her girlfriends walks over to me and tries to hit me and I'm like WTF just happened there. She then comes by again trying to do the same thing again.
Then I said to myself enough is enough, so I walked over to her and say wtf is your problem!! And she then says why are you badmouthin' me! I haven't done anything to you! I then talked to her and sweared to God I had never badmouthed her, which I really hadn't! We then started to talk and then out of the blue I just say: I want you, right here right now!
She then says what makes you think I want you?
I say nothing and I don't care I just want you.
I think that shocked her a little and she then started talking about all kinds of other things... then 5-10 minutes later she says you want to come home with me?
And I was like "TOUCHDOWN" and said of course!
We then took a cab to her home....

To be continued!
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