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Old 03-31-2003, 06:02 PM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Default Internet noob couldn't find ANY porn!

A buddy was over last night while I was watching Wrestlemania and he asked to use the internet to check out some stuff about Mexico. I sent him to google and told him to punch in whatever the hell he wanted to see.

About 5 minutes later he said he couldn't find anything and he gave me the real story about what he was looking for. It turns out he's a supervisor to a young Mexican lady who he says is hot as hell. Alas, the poor guy is married, so he wanted to check out some latina porn while he was over.

So I set him up again. told him to go to google and type in whatever the hell he wanted to see. Apparently this didn't work so I sent him to thehun. About 10 minutes later, he walked out, all pissed off because he couldn't find ANY porn!!

I went in to check out where he was and my screen was FULL of about 30 nice agressive popups. I had to wait until he left to laugh my ass off that he couldn't find any free porn.

So, to everyone that's always whining about "Too much free porn" I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure there are ALOT of internet noobs out there who will get tired of this type of runaround and fork over their cc number when they do find a paysite that they like.

And maybe those annoying popups aren't all that bad after all. Annoying to get rid of, but they may also annoy someone into PAYING for their porn.
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