What does everyone thing about this whole SARS thing? I keep watching the news and it looks as if it's getting worse and worse, but nobody that I know seems very concerned by it. Is it for real or just media hype? I really want to know how bad this could really get.
I know our medical technology is the best it's ever been, but that doesn't mean we're completely safe...ok I'm a little paranoid

I'm concerned because my youngest daughter gets respiratory illnesses very easily. She was a bit premature and was on a ventilator for the first 2 1/2 weeks of her life. As a result, she has problems with chronic bronchitis all winter long...poor kiddo

My husband and I have agreed that if cases of SARS begin to appear within the region, we may have to find an alternate method of education for her and pull her out of school.
Am I being overly-protective? I'm just so concerned because she catches respiratory problems so easily

What would you do?