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Old 04-01-2003, 11:07 AM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Unhappy Help me out here ladies

Yesterday an associate came into our office and proceeded to make this bold statement, "All women have thought about prostituting themselves at one time or another".

While my wife wasn't um, pure when we met, I also felt that I knew her pretty well, so using her as a reference, I defiantly called the guy an idiot (but in a nice way).

So he continues on, "No, no. Don't mistake that all women have thought about walking the street, but ALL women have, at one time or another, thought about selling their body for sex."

Again, I continued to defend my wife's honour and told him he was a little off base.

Finally he said, "Call your wife and ask her. Has she ever thought about it? A fleeting thought or whatever. I'm sure she has. WHEN she answers yes, ask her what stopped her from doing it. I'll bet it was ONLY the fact that others would find out. So, if noone would ever find out, she would have sold herself for sex."

I called my wife while he was sitting there and needless to say, I was shocked by her answer. When she was about 14-15 she says, she had the occasional thoughts about prostituting herself. SHE says however, that what stopped HER was the risk of disease, danger AND that she couldn't enjoy it if she didn't feel "a connection".

This guy was laughing his ass off as he saw me questioning my wife and I'm sure by the dumbfounded look on my face.

So help me out here ladies and give me something to show this guy that he's wrong. That or, I guess, prove that I'm ALOT more naive than I think I am.
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