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Old 04-05-2003, 11:38 PM   #25
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Ok .. In one deep breath

on a bus, in the bathroom on a train, BJ on a plane in my seat (12 hour flight), Parks, beaches (still my fav), Under a boardwalk, on a amusemnet ride, BJ under a table in a blues bar, store room of my old boutique, in my jeep in a cornfield (top down), On the highway, in the rest area .. but the one that stands out the most was with a Italian ex gf on the side of a road doggy style against my old 82 jetta in a university campus in broad daylight, this was at University of montreal, the U of M is on top of a mountain, actually the whole mountain is the campus and you good see the whole city..

Polytechnique parking (U. of Montreal) but by night. It was the first and only time I've ever done it in a car. Cheezuss I hated cars !

Oka beach in broad daylight on a busy day in a patch of tall vegetation, in a hayfield 20 ft from the busy Oka bikepath, smack in the midle of the front Bromont ski hill in daylight in the summer (we almost got caught by hikers), BJ in a busy downtown Sherbrooke bar, Mt-Tremblant (Far Hills' Inn) just aside the X-country ski track. BJ in the ski club chartered bus, various college spots (top of stairs, bottom of stairs, elevator, empty classrooms, student's radio station (I was the techie there, I got caught twice by friends and once by a security guard in a classroom), various bathrooms), smack on top of the little hill near the football field at Bois-de-Boulogne college (broad daylight, under a wide poncho), in the middle of a party with people around (in a sleeping bag) while chatting with friends, in a tent while our group was packing the camp into the car and fuming about us, on a 2nd floor balcony, numerous times out in various woods of Sherbrooke city and U. campus, at a Christmas party as home with the house full of visitors, hidden away in a bedroom.

I must have forgotten more than I can remember.

But I admit, Vid's daylight at U of M is the best I've ever heard of.
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