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Old 04-06-2003, 02:25 PM   #11
McAttack should edit this
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This is all good stuff. I see that everybody pretty much sees it the way I see it. But I'm telling you, we must be the exception in this world. I did interviews for interns a few months ago. We took two. In the interviews, we told them honestly that they'd be doing some work for us, most of it would be basic and boring but if they do well, we have a couple of projects that they could maybe work on. We're not here to babysit or anything like that. We're all people that take action here. If you have a problem you can't figure out, find a solution or at least come up with some ideas before bringing them up to us. They both agreed, both said "That's good, I like it like that".

What ended up happening is one was lazy and un-motivated to do anything, and kept bringing up the point of "Well it's not like we're getting paid for this", the other was an emotional wreck.

In the last month, we decided to give them some motivation, so we handed them one of our free sites to manage. They were happy about it. We told them we take care of the bandwidth on it, you update it, promote it, so everything. Any sales made from the banners is yours. They worked on this for half a day and then I don't think they've really done much on it.

What I'm getting down to is everybody seems to want to be on top of the game, but nobody wants to do the journey there.
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