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Thread: Office or Home?
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Old 04-07-2003, 02:50 PM   #45
Raven should edit this
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Lots of pros and cons about where we are most productive.

Both Tev and I have offices in our home. When we lived in Georgia, the house was all on one floor and my office was in a sitting room, ten feet from my bed. If I didn't fall asleep immediately, it was very easy to roll out of bed and go back to work.

When we moved home to Seattle, we purposely bought a two story house, so we could 'leave' work. I really have to be sleepless before I'll trek downstairs to my office.

I love working from home in my jammies and sweats and slippers. I like the idea that I can make appointments any time of day and not be restricted to 'after work hours'. I set my own pace, which is considerable.

When I'm feeling non productive, I look at my mortgage bill. That's usually enough to motivate.

I do understand, however, companies who want everyone in one place. We have people with whom we work spread out all over the country. Sometimes, the time zone differences interfere and there are plenty of times when being there is so much better than on the phone or ICQ.
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