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Thread: Office or Home?
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Old 04-07-2003, 03:50 PM   #46
Kath should edit this
Resident Psycho
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I had an office in a separate room but my kids were taking advantage of that fact. The house was a wreck and they never did anything they were supposed to do.

Now I have a desk set-up in the corner of our family room area in the house. From this central spot I can see the kitchen, dining room and hear every thing that goes on in the living room too. lol Not as many fights - a few more distractions for me - but it's working out for us well. PLUS...it keeps me in touch with time and reality. I find that I'm not as much of a work-a-holic as I used to be.

Oh and the jammies and sweats - yeah, that's the biggest perk. I go to conventions and have to learn how to do make-up all over again. lol The webmaster uniform - sweats, t-shirts, comfy jammies, pony tails and comfy slipper socks. Oh yeah!

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