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Old 04-09-2003, 02:17 PM   #43
Blue_Spade should edit this
The Youngin'
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I am a strict believer that if you alter your diet slightly to remove the excess fatty food, then start going to the gym regularly you can achieve your goal very easily.

The key is to stick with it. You will not lose big time weight the first month or so, which is much healthier for you. After your first month, your bodies make up will change and go into a higher rate of metabolic action, also known as "fat-burning mode". This is where you will begin to see some good results.

*Note this goes for gaining or losing weight!

Your metabolism will be at a higher rate that even your normal daily activities will have a larger effect on your mass.

I go to the gym 5 days a week, and eat a pretty regular diet. I weight 190 at 6'0" and about 8.5% body fat.

Becareful dieting on other plans because they can definately hurt you more than help!

Best of luck,
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Last edited by Blue_Spade; 04-09-2003 at 02:39 PM.
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