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Old 04-09-2003, 07:13 PM   #25
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Originally posted by kBizzle
Ok it's time to let the cat out of the bag I guess.....

Press Release “KB” Joins Marketing Team at TripleXCash.com

April 8,2003

Northridge, CA

Kevin Blatt or “KB” as he is more widely known in the adult internet world, has joined the winning team at Triple X Media, the creators of the enormously successful reality sites http://www.collegefuckfest.com and http://www.rectalrooter.com.

“KB” will serve as their Director of Sales and Marketing for their affiliate program http://www.triplexcash.com along with Chris Rodgers AKA “EVIL CHRIS” handling a majority of the traffic deals on the backend.

Speaking about his newest endeavor, KB had this to say “ I am very pleased to be joining the team at Triple X cash, not only was I a fan of their site before I met them , the fact that they sought me out to help market their web sites floored me”. KB also goes on to say “ Right now with the current state of the industry being one of flat pay per joins, we have something here that webmasters seemed to have forgotten about, retention!
The last time I saw a recurring affiliate program that retained like this was when my brother D$ and I found the Busty-Amateurs.com crew in SD, the key ingredients are finding the cutest talent out there, and updating our content as much as possible.”

KB’s duties will run the gamut, from building a dramatic marketing campaign, to structuring traffic deals with webmasters. Evil Chris will continue on as a specialist in exit traffic as well as keeping up his excellent work in supporting webmasters with galleries and providing the right marketing collateral to help webmasters make serious money.

Anyone wishing to contact “KB” for more information can reach him at kb@triplexcash.com
Congrats! I hear they're good People Watch out for that Evil Chris guy....
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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