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Old 04-09-2003, 11:52 PM   #25
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by fish
the top tgps are listed here:

only problem is you're going to have a really hard time trying to get listed. almost all of them offer paid gallery listings.. (nowadays, they only list those who pay or are partners, if you try to submit the usual way, 99% of the time you probably won't get listed.)

i personally just submit to thehun.net, he still lists most of my galleries, but it takes a while for your gallery to be reviewed(a few weeks). but hey, i'm willing to wait for the amount of traffic he gives.

for mature:
the biggest i know of:http://www.mature-post.com/tgp.shtml

and of course, if you want to get listed quickly..
submit to my teen tgp: http://www.realteenx.com/
First off thanks for listing my galleries fish

While it's true that alot of tgp's ask for partner submits, any honest webmaster can appreciate that with the number of cheaters out there.

It takes little to no effort to get a partnership with MOST tgp's nowadays. Simply talk to them and if you can show quality galleries, you'll get a password just like that imho.

Develop your reputation and the tgp's will ASK you to become a partner. That's always sweet.
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