Originally posted by Panky
Cephalometric, panoramic, x-rays do allow for you to see the nose, lips, and chin. On these films and periapicals, you can see nerves in individual teeth and the nerves in both jaws. If you can see the nerve paths in the jaw, you would also be able to see the nerves and blood supplies in the penis. The image has his penis as transparent and without detail.

Wow, an X-ray saavy gal !
I don't really know, but methink its a lot of photoshopping from real x-rays.
All of Panky's observations are real, however, the image being in negative from regular x-ray means very little.
To obtain imaging of the flesh, you need low energy. A mamograph, IIRC, runs at around 40KVolts of energy or less.
At low energy, you'd see finger bones as big blocking objects.
You barely see the bones in the hand so the hand must have been taken at higher energy, so taht the rays punched through. But at high energy, you wouldn'd see the flesh. The trick ? Methink the guy dipped his hand in baryum. That explain why you see the fingernails and the cuticle areas as blocked, standing out. Otherwise, you'd see only bones. Still, this is unsatisfactory as an explanation because you'd see a blocked edge around the fingers if they had been dipped in baryum. They were probably wiped off afterward.
Radiopaque (baryum) was probably also rubbed lightly on pubic hair of the guy to appear that much, for there is no chance in hell you could get to see hair otherwise.
Methink that this pic is a composite of three or four images. The guy's dick at meduim energy with his pubic hair rubbed with baryum, the hand at high energy dipped in baryum, and the skull, possibly a superposition of high energy (bones only) and low energy shots flesh with skulls blocked out)
All that photoshoped into one.
And then, the image was reversed to become positive from the original x-rays negatives.
You can trust me,
my father was a doctor.
A radiologist, that is...
I also moonlighted as a medical x-ray machine maintenance guy for several years.