Originally posted by Funbrunette
We might be able to help you out...We have a bit of space in our basement and in the garage...Hit me up on ICQ or give me a shout!
I'd offer to help, but I'll probably be busy with the new baby (If I can give birth ALREADY)
But any time you need a nice home cooked meal, a hug, or just someone to talk too, I'm here!
Steph ... once again you are prooving just why it is I luv ya !!
A home cooked meal now and then would be AWESOME !!!
I may even (*looks around to make sure Panky is not within earshot ...) take you up on a hug too .... you're AMAZING Steph ... You and the evil d00d are gonna make terrific parrents .... I am already starting to get jealous of Minime ...
Two Weeks and two days ... I am getting excited now ...
You had better pop him out by the time I get there ..... I have waited like 38 weeks already to meet the little guy .....

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