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Old 04-14-2003, 08:28 PM   #7
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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I think it's pretty much a given that anyone that has much to do with any kind of site design is going to be using at least 1024x768. And those of us that are strictly sales , etc. still tend to have better quality equipment than the average surfer. Out of 7 monitors around here only one is a 15 inch. All the rest are at least 17. And even the 15 inch is running at 1024x768. The only box that isn't running at 1024x768 is running at 1280x1024 or maybe even bigger.

When it comes to designing for the surfers though I would never design a site that isn't 800x600 friendly! Anytime you check your stats 1024 and 800 usuers are running at about 45% each. Most of the other 10% are in higher resolutions than 1024 but there are actually a few 640x480 surfers out there.

It's worth remembering that windows XP defaults to only 800x600. With 98/95 it was only 640x480. And there are a significant number of surfers that don't even have a clue how to change that I think.
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