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Old 04-16-2003, 10:41 AM   #1
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Default starting a paysite

ok, i want to start a paysite and i need help from those of you who already have one.

what do i need? basically, content, hosting, and a cc processor right?

how much exclusive content should i get? a thousand pics? wouldn't that be too much? or just a few hundred pics of exclusive content and a lot of non-exclusive content would be enough?

which cc processor should i go for? ccbill, ibill, acpay, probilling. it seems probilling and acpay have no setup fees so i'm gearing to using them. but there's also abbilling who not only offers cc processing, but free content, and free hosting as well. although they get a bigger percentage of your income. plus abbilling doesn't send the checks of the affiliates for you. you have to do them yourself.

so what else do i need?

any help would be appreciated.
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