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Old 09-19-2002, 02:19 PM   #19
LadySharlot should edit this
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LOL--even if I had NASA's computers, I'de still be running them at full resource! LOL Always have at the very least 4 programs running at all times, and typically 2 + browser windows open. ) I'm a busy woman. Hahahhaha

I don't use a screen-saver either, for the same reason. However, I DO keep a picture on my desktop. It changes from time to time. See--I found the Astronomy Picture of the Day web-site and keep it as my home page. Then, when I find a pic that I particularly like, I just dump it onto my desktop. ) Keeps da' perty pictures changing.

I've got some BEAUTIFUL space scenes saved up. Mmmm...Perty!! Hahahha

Lady Sharlot :-)
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