Originally posted by fish
whoa, lots of hard work involved eh. so do you think it's gonna be worth it? do most paysites get what they invested in a few months time?
Back in the day...and I'll bet you're tired of hearing that....

...starting a paysite was pretty simple. Throw a bunch of pics up and launch. Build some feeders and the money would start coming back....
Submitting to two hundred search engines was easy, although time consuming.
Today..well....starting a pay site can be very successful. It's a time and money thing, like anything else.
You can start it....with a thousand pics.....don't put an affiliate program on it....just put it out there and feed it constantly until it's filled to the brim with content of all kinds...from exclusive to filler to bonus....I don't recommend building a mega site. There are companies out there who have the funds that you may not have.
Look at your paysite as a place for your member to come and stay for a while, which means....images, videos, live feeds, upsells, member interactivity, games, stories, etc........personal attention...I've seen pay sites open and grow with the member, especially true amateur sites, where they get a following....form a personal relationship..
What Panky said is dead nuts on....there are so many determining factors.....like how much money you have for design, advertising, etc.....do you have a traffic infrastructure in place to feed your site....the niche you choose.....money....and, most importantly, time. Time kills most webmasters because they either don't have enough of it or they are too impatient or they don't have the funds to succeed quickly....or their expectations are skewed.....
And, yes. Pay sites can be worth it. Very time consuming, but also the potential to make your own money and not depend on sponsor money is definitely there.