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Old 04-16-2003, 02:12 PM   #1
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Default The State as a pimp...

Forwarded to me by a Swedish friend...

I will post new info as I get it.

I am following a development in Sweden.

A prostitute insisted on paying income tax.

The legal status in Sweden for many years was that there was
no law against prostitution per se, but strict laws against being a pimp
(habitual furtherance of temporary sexual relations between OTHER people).

A few years ago, the law was "upgraded" to include the BUYER of sexual
services into the criminal class. There are still no laws agains SELLING
your own sexual services.

So one woman insisted on filing a tax return etc. She then made a SEK 5 000 payment (USD 550 or so). Immediately after that, she went to the police and turned in the Swedish State for pimping.

I will keep you posted, the whole thing is on a Swedish Libertarian group, all comments in Swedish, with rare exceptions.

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