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Old 04-16-2003, 02:22 PM   #8
Kenny B
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You have to consider your site a business and make a plan and stick to it! Any business takes time to become successful; we in are spoiled on the net because we normally see a return on our investment almost right away if the site is put together and marketed properly.

I deal mainly with amateur sites and see the advantage of having exclusive content, if the guy likes the girl he will join because he cannot see her anywhere else.

Hosting has become quite inexpensive so I’d recommend you fork out a few bucks for proper hosting, free hosts are good for galleries and gateways but if you want to put up a pay site do it properly. As for billing I’m extremely pleased with Ccbill!

Basically put a budget and a business plan together because as Ronaldo said it’s not build it and they will come anymore!

kenny - at -kennyspennies.com
icq: 53962376
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